We support founding teams.

Together, we can discover efficient solutions for urgent or difficult scenarios.

We enable founders to deal with challenging situations on their own.

We can support you as a Mentor, Coach, Consultant, or Interim Manager.
What are our requirements and what main capabilities do we have?

Who I am

Hey! My name is Chris - the owner of Kptn Ventures, and I am an entrepreneur and startup enthusiast. My journey has been filled with mistakes, but each one has taught me valuable lessons about entrepreneurship. I have learned that the key to success lies in experience and organized problem-solving methods. By guiding exceptional founding teams, I can help them make sound decisions, create effective solutions and processes, and foster a positive company culture - even during challenging times.

When does it make sense to collaborate?

I thoroughly enjoy collaborating with fellow entrepreneurs and founders, working together to discover improved methods of progress. My passion also lies in assisting founders to minimize errors in their endeavors. To achieve this, I utilize my knowledge and expertise to analyze the company from an objective standpoint, free from personal biases, in order to identify any potential issues at an early stage.

What do I need to make you successful?

I admire your eagerness to learn, your curious nature that questions everything, and your willingness to venture into uncharted territories. Your unwavering determination to achieve your goals as swiftly as possible inspires me.I aspire to guide you through the most efficient and direct path rather than the easiest one. Although there might be some obstacles, rest assured that it will lead you to your desired destination much faster.

What can I offer to you?

I can take on the following roles:

  • Mentor or Coach (single exchange)

  • Advisor (regular exchange)

  • Interim Manager

The main topics I prefer:

  • General Founder Coaching

  • Funding

  • Building High-Performance Environments

  • Sales and Customer Facing Growth Strategies

  • Operations Automation

My hourly rate:
180€ (less if advisor or interim package)

Together, we can work towards taking you to the next level.

Do you have questions? Or wanna start?

Feel free to send me a message, and I'll respond within 48 hours at the latest.
Thank you, Chris.

© Untitled. All rights reserved.

Thank you for your message :)!

Kptn Ventures UG
Dorfstr. 29A
15713 Königs Wusterhausen
Kontakt: info@kptn.ioGeschäftsführer: Christian Städtler
Registergericht: Cottbus
Registernummer: HRB 15820
Verantwortlich für redaktionelle Inhalte nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Christian Städtler (Anschrift wie oben genannt)
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